
Showing posts from May, 2004

David Bowie, New York, USA, June 2004, review of Ike Moriz's debut album 'Mirrors And Shade' (2004)

David Bowie , New York, USA, June 2004 ,  review of Ike Moriz's debut album 'Mirrors And Shade' (2004) Click here and listen to the official  "MIRRORS & SHADE - June 2004ALBUM MEDLEY"  (2.8Mb), that has just been voted  " Featured Original Music of the Week "   at (every week since 7.6.04)!  

Magic Mushroom Records, Holland, May 2004, review of Ike Moriz's debut album 'Mirrors And Shade' (2004)

Magic Mushroom Records , Holland, May 2004 ,  review of Ike Moriz's debut album 'Mirrors And Shade' (2004) After his great Singles  Fall Into The Sun  and  You Could , now his debut album  Mirrors & Shade : Mirrors & Shade opens with the hauntingly good song Another Day,  Ike' s voice is as good as it gets and the recording is sublime , to be honest, we couldn't' stop listening to it. Along with a bunch of new songs, the songs You Could (thrill me, kiss me, kill me, ...), Visionary and Drowning are also on this full album release, AND RIGHTLY SO!!!  Ike and his band are spot on  and all we can say is: A Big Congrats from us to Ike and his team !!!

Dale Olivier, Matchbox Radio24, London, UK, May 2004, review of Ike Moriz's debut album 'Mirrors And Shade' (2004)

Dale Olivier, Matchbox Radio24, London, UK, May 2004,  review of Ike Moriz's debut album 'Mirrors And Shade' (2004) After much anticipation and hard work the debut album " Mirrors and Shade" from IKE MORIZ has landed on planet earth. Featuring the worldwide hit singles "Fall into the Sun" and "You Could" that topped many charts from The SA Top Ten, Matchbox Radio 24 Chart to Halo Radio in The Netherlands. "You Could" was actually voted as "Song of the Week" by Bowie himself. The songs were also featured on over 100 Radio stations worldwide and put Ike on the map as  a bonafide Indie pop star .  This album features 11 tracks of  pure emotional glamour pop . The new single and title track " Mirrors and Shade" is dark, infectious, melodic and has a massive chorus that sticks in your head and never leaves. "Still" that was featured on UK SKY TV for  millions to see is an incredible pop ballad that is  cleverl...

Indiepop Spinzone, Pennsylvania, USA, May 2004, review of Ike Moriz's debut album ' Mirrors And Shade' (2004)

Indiepop  Spinzone , Pennsylvania, USA, May 2004 , review of Ike Moriz's debut album ' Mirrors And Shade' (2004) Hip-ometer Rating ~ 9.4 Ike Moriz - "Mirrors & Shade"  Ike, if you didn't know,  could best be described as  South Africa's answer to David Bowie  and this is his debut LP. At first I thought he committed a faux pas by putting all the songs from his first 2 EP's on this album. Because who will buy them when they can get everything here? However, by and large they are all mixed differently and not just the music, as the vocal tracks are redone as well. That essentially makes them all new versions, so it's interesting for people who were aware and it still leaves reason to get the original ep's if you like it. This was particularly clear on the track  Fall Into The Sun  which I always liked, but I think  I prefer this new version even more . That pretty much is the feeling for most of ...