
The Sentinel News, Hout Bay, "Chappies thumbs up helps singer rock on”, by Karen Watkins, 04.08.2023

After his Dragons album tour last year, Hout Bay singer Eike “Ike” Moriz is on the road again, performing at concerts in Hamburg, Germany this month. The singer, songwriter, producer has lived in Hout Bay since 2007 when he moved from Johannesburg. Besides his concerts and album releases, the 51-year-old offers guitar, piano and singing lessons as well as studio recordings and productions. Growing up near Hamburg, Germany, there was always music in the family home. Ike’s parents, Kai and Waltraud Moriz, were jewellers, but his mother played piano, sang and composed songs for friends and family. His grandmother was a concert pianist and his grandfather was an opera singer, among other professions. Early in life, Ike started playing the piano and joined in the singing or made up his own songs. Even after studying music and doing music degrees in Dresden, Rotterdam and Cape Town, his routine has not changed, except that now his two children are playing and singing along too. Ike ...

Paarl post, Netwerk 24, Arts & Entertainment, page 21, 10.12.20, Ike Moriz sing onder sterre

 Paarl post, Netwerk 24, Arts & Entertainment, page 21, 10.12.20, Ike Moriz sing onder sterre (in English):  (photo caption: Ike Moriz performs at Grande Roche on Saturday) International singer Ike Moriz, known for his ability to seamlessly switch between musical genres, will perform at the Grande Roche Amphitheater in Paarl on 12 December at 19:30. Ike, who has been named one of the top five singers in South Africa for the past five years, is known locally as well as abroad. He has toured in 20 countries, most recently in Germany with his sold-out Millennium Hits Tour 2019. The singer and actor will be accompanied by the well-known Ike Moriz Swing Band, and for the first time, they will perform with the learners of Paarl Girls' High School, led by the cellist and head of arts, Anjulie Nock. The Ike Moriz Band consists of the most capable musicians in South Africa: Willie van Zyl on saxophone and clarinet, Andrew Ford on piano, Wesley Rustin on double bass and Ivan Bell ...

Eikestadnuus, 10 Dec 2020, page 10, Ike Moriz Swing Band joined by Paarl Girls' Singers

Eikestadnuus , 10 Dec 2020, page 10, "Ike Moriz Swing Band joined by Paarl Girls' Singers" : IKE MORIZ (pictured) and his Swing Band are performing at Grande Roche Amphitheatre, 1 Plantasie Street, Paarl on Saturday 12 December. Doors open at 18:00 and the concert starts at 19:30. Voted one of South Africa 's top 5 singers in recent years, Moriz is well-known locally as well as abroad, having toured in twenty countries, most recently on his sold-out Millennium Hits Tour 2019 in Germany. The singer and actor will be accompanied by the famous Ike Moriz Swing Band, and, for the first time, they will be joined by a very talented and experienced group of the renowned Paarl Girls' High - Hoër Meisieskool Paarl Choir: the Paarl Girls' Singers, led by cellist and Head of Arts, Anjulie Nock . For more information visit Tickets are available at .

Die Burger, page 12, Thursday, 10.12.2020: "Ike Moriz sing treffers in die Paarl” ("Ike Moriz sings hits in Paarl”)

Die Burger, page 12, Thursday, 10.12.2020:  "Ike Moriz sing treffers in die Paarl” ("Ike Moriz sings hits in Paarl”) ( In Afrikaans ): "Ike Moriz sing treffers in die Paarl” Die sanger Ike Moriz tree op 12 Desember by die Grande Roche amfiteater in die Paarl op. Hy tree op saam met die koor van die Hoër Meisieskool Paarl.  Moriz, wat die afgelope vyf jaar as een van die topvyf-sangers in Suid-Afrika aangewys is, is plaaslik sowel as in die buiteland bekend.  Hy het in 20 lande getoer, mees onlangs in Duitsland met sy uitverkoopte vertoning Millennium Hits Tour 2019. Hy word Saterdagaand begelei deur die Ike Moriz Swing Band. Op die program is gewilde liedjies uit die swing- en pop genres. Dit sluit in treffers soos Dean Martin se “Sway”, John Lennon se "Imagine”, Frank Sinatra se “New York, New York” en Moriz se “Love Swings" en “To Cape Town”. Die Suid-Afrikaanse sjef Niel van Zyl se fynproewerskos sowel as plaaslike wyne van die Under Oaks-landgoed kan vooraf...

Paarl post, Netwerk 24, Arts & Entertainment, 04.12.20, “Sanger sing onder sterre”

  Paarl post , Netwerk 24,  Arts & Entertainment, 04.12.20, “Sanger sing onder sterre ” In Afrikaans: -  04 Desember 2020 -  Die internasionale sanger Ike Moriz, bekend vir sy vermoë om moeiteloos tussen musikale genres te wissel, tree op 12 Desember om 19:30 in die Grande Rocheamfiteater in die Paarl op. Ike, wat die afgelope vyf jaar as een van die topvyf sangers in Suid-Afrika aangewys is, is plaaslik sowel as in die buiteland bekend. Hy het al in 20 lande getoer, mees onlangs in Duitsland met sy uitverkoopte Millennium Hits Tour 2019. Die sanger en akteur sal begelei word deur die bekende Ike Moriz Swing Band, en vir die eerste keer sal hulle saam met die leerders van die Hoër Meisieskool Paarl optree, gelei deur die tjellis en hoof van kunste, Anjulie Nock. Die Ike Moriz Swing Band bestaan uit van die mees bekwame musikante in Suid-Afrika: Willie van Zyl op saksofoon en klarinet, Andrew Ford op klavier, Wesley Rustin op kontrabas en Ivan Bell op tromme. Hull...

Barney Simon, Radio 2000, SA, 13.11.2007, review of Ike Moriz's ALL AROUND THE WORLD album (2007)

Barney Simon, Radio 2000, SA, 13.11.2007 Barney Simon presented the new album ALL AROUND THE WORLD as 'featured album of the week' in his Tuesday night show. He played all tracks saying:  "Fantastic album! I love it! The song 'Peace Dream' reminds me of David Bowie's Space Oddity "

Overtone,, SA, 24.10.2007: Featured Artist: Ike Moriz

Overtone,,  SA, 24.10.2007: Featured Artist: Ike Moriz SA indie-pop idol Ike Moriz’s press release is more abundant than a list of Michael Jackson lawsuits. Signed to UK label Mosquito, the baby-blue-eyed white boy is obviously comfortable in the buzz of the music industry, and is also obviously quite comfortable both on stage and in studio. South Africa prepares for the release of their own pop ambassador’s third studio album, All Around the World. But Overtone wants to know something from the man  himself…  ( click on the pic for the interview)