Indiepop Spinzone, John Kruscek, Pennsylvania, USA, February 2003, Review of 'You Could'

Spinzone, John Kruscek, Pennsylvania, USA, February 2003, review of 'You Could'

Hip-ometer Rating ~ 9.8

Ike Moriz - "You Could EP" This is the second release by my friend Ike Moriz, a now London based South African. This takes right from where the last single left off (same cover too) but I think he really finds himself on this new single. The title track is a dreamy Bowie-like soundscape meets Oasis and it melds all the hooks of those two genres to perfection. It really ought to be climbing charts someplace. The second track, Visionary is actually a grungy outing, coming close to being like Nine Inch Nails with better vocals. (I would say he reminds me of a cross between Bowie and Peter Murphy of Bauhaus fame). It's got chirping, edgy guitar and a very black but sexy feel to it. The last track is a remix of the song Drowning from his last single, and I don't have the time or inclination to see how different they are. It sounds a little different I think. Well, it's 8 seconds shorter so something has  changed. But what matters is it's still good, and still reminds me of Suede or early Gene. OK, Ike, you have talent. Let's see that long player already. And you can (and should) check him out here .

Label ~ Mosquito Records London, 3 Tracks, 2003


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