Cornelia Le Roux, Die Burger, Cape Town, South Africa, 27.02.2006: “Ike verras aspirant-joernaliste by koerant-kursus" (in Afrikaans language)
Cornelia Le Roux, Die Burger, Cape Town, South Africa, 27.02.2006: “Ike verras aspirant-joernaliste by koerantkursus"
(DIE BURGER, bl. 4 AKTUEEL, Maandag 27 Februarie 2006, KAAPSTAD).
Die Burger en Media24 het Saterdag hul eerste skoolkoerantkursus van die jaar in die Wes-Kaap aangebied. Altesame 40 leerders van derskeie laerskole in die Noordelike voorstede is by die Laerskool Parow-Noord touwys gemaak in die skryf van berigte, fotografie, bladuitleg en ander koerantkunsies. Hulle het ook hy eie nuus-konferensie gehou met die opkomende sanger Ike Moriz, wie se liedjie "Play Me" deesdae op die radio boer, as geheime gas. Soos wafferse nuushonde het die jong klomp hom gepols oor sy loopbaan en sy liefdeslewe. Skole wat belang stel in die NSP, kan in verbinding tree met die Wes-Kaapse koördineerder, Cornelia le Roux, by 021-4063135 of e-pos

Ike Moriz vermaak leerders Saterdag by Die Burger en Media24 se skoolkoerantkursus in Parow-Noord.
(caption: Ike Moriz vermaak leerders Saterdag by Die Burger en Media24 se skoolkoerantkursus in Parow-Noord.)
Die Burger and Media24 presented their first school-newspaper course of the year in the Western Cape on Saturday. A total of 40 learners from various primary schools in the Northern suburbs were instructed at Parow North Primary School in writing articles, photography, page layout etc. They also held their own news conference with emerging singer Ike Moriz, , as a secret guest, whose song "Play Me" is currently on the radio. Like real 'news hounds', the young bunch questioned him about his career and his love life. Schools interested in the NSP can contact the Western Cape Coordinator, Cornelia le Roux, at 021-4063135 or email
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