Die Burger, Mariana Malan, Cape Town, SA, 03.03.2007: "Elana sing saam met Ike”

Die Burger, Mariana Malan, Cape Town, SA, 03.03.2007: "Elana sing saam met Ike”

Elana sing saam met Ike Die Burger 3.3.3007 Ike Moriz Kirstenbosch summer sunset concert

Die televisiepersoonlikheid Elana Afrika maak môre har debuut as sangeres op die verhoog. Sy tree op as agtergrondsanger vir die bekende sanger Ike Moriz in sy konsert wat in die botaniese tuin Kirstenbosch gehou word. 

Moriz is pas terug van England, waar sy twee albums "Mirrors & Shade" en "Play Me" baie gewild is. Hy vertel dat hy en Afrika mekaar leer ken het toe sy verlede jaar vir die televisieprogram “Jip” met hom n’ onderhou gevoer het. Later het hul paaie weer gekruis toe albei by ’n partytjie was waar die tydskrif FHM sy "FHM Sexiest Woman In The World 2006 - The Movie” bekend gestel het. Sy lied “Hey, Hey-Hey, Hey” is daarin gebruik. “Ek het gehoor hoe Elana saam met ’n ander lied van my sing, en het gehou van wat ek hoor. Ek het haar toe gevra of sy nie lus het om saam met my op te tree nie. Ons het in der waarheid so goed geklik dat ons nou ’n lied saam skryf, vertel hy. 

Daar wag nog ’n verrassing op konsertgangers Sondag. Moriz sing gewoonlik net sy eie werk, maar dié dag gaan hey vir die eerste keer in die openbaar David Bowie se lied “Starman” sing. Bowie self het hom genade om dit op te neem. 

Moriz kom oorspronklik van Kaapstad. Hey het onder meer in Nederland en Duitsland jazz gestudieer. Tot onlangs het hy in Londen gewoon, waar hy onder meer saam met die rock-orkes Stunt Double opgetree het. Hy het sy album “Mirrors & Shade” in 2002 by George Michael se platemaatskappy opgeneem. 

Hy was onlangs ook betrokke by die opname van "Greatest Love”, waarmee 13 welbekende kunstenaars geld insamel vir die projek “Differently Abled Children”. 

Hy werk tans aan sy derde solo-album. Dit gaan volgens hom baie anders wees as die eerste twee. Hy beplan om baie meer eksperimenteel te werk. Hy gaan die album deels plaaslik en deels in Londen opneem. Kaartjies vir môre se konsert kan by 0217998783 bespreek word. 

(English translationTelevision personality Elana Afrika will make her debut as a singer on stage tomorrow. She will perform as a background vocalist for the famous singer Ike Moriz at his concert held at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens.

Moriz has just returned from the UK, where his two albums "Mirrors & Shade" and "Play Me" are very popular. He says that he and Africa got to know each other when she interviewed him for the television program "Jip" last year. Later, their paths crossed again when they were both at a party where FHM magazine released its "FHM Sexiest Woman In The World 2006 - The Movie", using his song 'Hey, Hey-Hey, Hey'. "I heard Elana sing along to another song of mine, and I liked what I was hearing, so I asked her if she would like to perform with me, in fact, we clicked so well that we are now writing a song together", he says. 

Another surprise awaits concert-goers on Sunday. Moriz usually only sings his own work, but that day he will sing David Bowie's song "Starman" for the first time in public. Bowie himself suggested to him to record it. Moriz is originally from Cape Town. He studied jazz music in the Netherlands and Germany, among other places. Until recently, he lived in London, where he performed with the rock band Stunt Double, among others. He recorded his debut album "Mirrors & Shade" in 2002 with George Michael's record label. He was also recently involved in the recording of "Greatest Love", a project of 13 well-known artists raising money for the "Differently Abled Children” initiative. He is currently working on his third solo album. According to him, it will be very different from the first two. He plans to work much more experimentally. He will record the album partly locally and partly in London. Tickets for tomorrow's concert can be booked at 0217998783.)


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