Overtone, www.overtone.co.za, SA, 24.10.2007: Featured Artist: Ike Moriz

Overtone, www.overtone.co.za, SA, 24.10.2007: Featured Artist: Ike Moriz

Overtone South Africa 24 October 2007 Featured Artist Ike Moriz

SA indie-pop idol Ike Moriz’s press release is more abundant than a list of Michael Jackson lawsuits. Signed to UK label Mosquito, the baby-blue-eyed white boy is obviously comfortable in the buzz of the music industry, and is also obviously quite comfortable both on stage and in studio. South Africa prepares for the release of their own pop ambassador’s third studio album, All Around the World. But Overtone wants to know something from the man himself… (

click on the pic for the interview)


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