Read Ike's latest interview from Sept'06 on DSTV channel MK89 (click here)

Jy kan niks minder van Ike verwag as uitstekende, unieke, splinternuwe trots Suid Afrikaanse musiek met 'n erg internasionale klank. Ike Moriz het reeds in 2002 internasionale erkenning gekry toe hy as solo kunstenaar saam met George Michael en Marc Almond se vervaardiger, S. Kent in London gewerk het. Hy het egter reeds in 1995 sy eie musiek begin skryf asook vervaardig en het kort voor lank in SA, Duitsland en Holland musiek begin studeer. Sy liedjies het al op 17 verskillende lande se radio en tv stasies se speellyste gefeature. Sy singles het al hoog op die UK, Holland en SA se radio charts beland.

(English: You can expect nothing less from Ike than excellent, unique, brand new proud South African music with a very international sound. Ike Moriz already gained international recognition in 2002 when he worked as a solo artist with George Michael and Marc Almond's producer, S. Kent in London. However, he started writing and producing his own music as early as 1995 and soon began studying music in SA, Germany and Holland. His songs have already been featured on 17 different countries 'radio and TV stations' playlists. His singles have already landed high on the UK, Holland and SA's radio charts.)



IKE MORIZ: Wen VIP-kaartjies! 

Vrydagaand stel Ike Moriz sy nuwe musiekvideo, 'I feel real' bekend in die Fashion TV Café in Joburg. Ons het vinnig met kom gesels. (Sien details oor hoe om kaartjies te wen onderaan.) 

MK89] You'll be launching the music video of 'I Feel Real' on Friday. What is the song about?
IM] 'I feel real' is about exciting changes, about leaving the past behind, burning bridges and finding new love.

MK89] You worked with model Lisa-Marie Schneider previously. In 'I Feel Real' we get to see Lilian Ndlovu - could one make the very tentative statement that you enjoy working with models? 
IM] The music business is completely cooked! Having chosen to live this life on the edge of insanity, I need to have beautiful girls at my side. I'll have a smile on my face when they shut the coffin.

MK89] What is your favourite line from the song 'I feel real'?
IM] 'When all is gone / all is won'

MK89] What is your favourite line from any song that was ever written?
IM] 'I never knew the taste of blood till now. It's clear I never should have known' (Snow Patrol: Ways and Means)

MK89] Describe your ideal gig - possible or not.
IM] My band and I are playing a sold out Greenpoint Stadium. The stage is decorated with every single Reality TV Pop Idol, Pop Star and whatever else they might conjure up on the planet, hanging upside down on long ropes from the ceiling with taped mouths, dangling to the rhythm of the music. At the end of the show they all slide onto the stage, taking off their tapes and singing 'We are the world' completely out of tune while bursting into flames.

MK89] Your music has been described as 'Bowie without the glam meets Oasis without the self importance teamed with UK chart 'alternative' without the boredom' - in five words, describe the unique characteristics of your music. 
IM] Edgy, melodic, wounded, addictive, gorgeous.

MK89] If your music were an animal, what would it be?
IM] A white panther.

MK89] This video was directed by Johan Nel, immensely popular on MK89 for his direction of especially Fokofpolisiekar videos. Did he pick you, or did you pick him? Do you think his approach to your video was very different from his approach to theirs?
IM] I picked him at the end of a long list of directors because he's got energy and knows what it takes to create a gripping POP video with an edge. We are on a similar wave-length when it comes to creating strong visuals. It's all about getting the energy across to the audience, be it Fokof's or Ike's.

MK89] What do you think of Fokofpolisiekar? 
IM] I try to come to support as many of their shows as possible. We've become friends through Johan. Their music makes me feel good about the future of this country. SA and especially the Afrikaans music scene needs them. They are true rebels and I'm glad that they do what they do… otherwise I'd have to do it… I hope that the extreme conservatives of this country will never be able to stop them on their quest!

MK89] Which musician do you respect most?
IM] That's gotta be Bowie and Iggy Pop.

MK89] Why did you come back from London?
IM] It's smelly there. Neither Earl Grey tea nor Gin & Tonics could get me over that smell...

MK89] You acted in 'Love Actually' and 'Alfie' - did you ever speak to Jude Law or Renée Zellweger? If yes, what happened? Do you plan to continue acting in South Africa? 
IM] I had a long chat with Renée about The White Stripes. I kept on going on about how I really didn't like them too much till she mentioned that she was going out with the lead singer who also happened to stand behind me at the time. I just pretended losing my mind and wandered off looking for a quick and painless suicide... I only said 'hi & howzit' to Jude. There was no connection. Had a long chat with Kevin Costner about South African politics on 'The Upside of Anger' though. I really respect him: fantastic charisma. I'd love to do acting here too if I can find some time for it.

MK89] Like who would you like to...
... fight? 
IM] Gandhi
... dance? 
IM] Antonio Banderas
... make love? 
IM] My cat.

MK89] It's mentioned that the video was inspired by Tarentino film 'From dusk till dawn'. Will we see any blood-sucking? If not, why not? What is the concept behind the video. 
IM] It's actually more the music that was inspired by the film, although the whole atmosphere of the visuals lives in a similar space. Lilian was wearing vampire teeth at some point, but it just looked too cheesy. The second someone started sucking blood, the intensity of a scene just got lost and plummeted down into the whole B-movie genre. So, we left the blood-sucking to the professional vampires in the music industry. The concept behind the video is very straight forward: I build a huge pile of everything materialistic I own, all the 'rubbish', all the things we don't REALLY need but that enslave us. Then I burn it all. It's the most liberating experience! The end is open: either I'm burning along with all these objects or… not. I guess, if you don't like the music, I better get burned along with the rest. If you're loving it, I just about make it out of the flames…

MK89] Nice.

'I Feel Real' word by die Fashion TV Café bekend gestel Vrydag 8 September, 20:00. Daar is 3 dubbelstelle VIP-kaartjies op die spel. Sê net vir my wie die regisseur van Ike Moriz se nuwe musiekvideo was. Antwoorde na mkgigs@gmail.com


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