Cape Argus, Tonight, Music, Cape Town, SA, 09.11.2005, “Read all about it"
Cape Argus, Cape Town, SA, 09.11.2005, “Read all about it"
"...this week's hottest party is probably the being held at Rhodes House this Friday, where international rock musician Ike Moriz will take the stage. Moriz spills theatrical, edgy pop into Rhodes House (60 Queen Victoria Street) at the PLAY ME CD LAUNCH, sponsored by Chivas Regal Premium Scotch Whiskey.
Based in London since 1999, Moriz has returned to his home in South Africa with a new drive and energy that springs from his exposure to many different countries and life on the road. He has been described as "Bowie without the glam meets Oasis without the self-importance teamed with UK chart 'alternative' without the boredom..."

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