
Showing posts from 2006

People Magazine, Vol 20 / No 49, Johannesburg, SA, 08.12.2006: “Local stars hit the town" (Ike Moriz, Elana Afrika)

People Magazine, Vol 20 / No 49, Johannesburg, SA, 08.12.2006: “ Local stars hit the town " SA's indie idol Ike Moriz visited the FASHION TV CAFE 'ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY' party in Sandton on 2.12.06 with his friend Elana Afrika (DJ from SA radio station KFM). What a party !

24.COM, South Africa, October 2006 “Play Me” is getting much play

  24.COM, South Africa, October 2006 “Play Me” is getting much play It’s the first single from his second album   and “Play Me” has become a hit of its own glamourous accord. Ike Moriz too   SA by the horns with his second album. The South African indie-pop star released the first single off it called “Play Me”, which got major airplay both locally and internationally. After five years in London he had returned to South Africa to promote and launch the new album as well as perform for his fans. His new single has received a positive response. You can decide for yourself. Experience Ike Moriz live on Saturday, 21 October at 5pm at the V&A Waterfront Amphitheatre in Cape Town. Free entry. And on Sunday, 22 October at 5pm at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, Silvertree Restaurant , Cape Town. Comments: Melanie says: Gorgeous Both Ike's looks and sound are gorgeous! What a great international sound for a southafrican pop star! Awesome. I'll su...

The Star, Helen Herimbi, Johannesburg, SA, 09.10.2006: "Mr Music - Ike Moriz" ('Prodigal son' returns to show local musos what good music's all about)

  The Star, Helen Herimbi, Johannesburg, SA, 09.10.2006 'Prodigal son' returns to show   local musos what good music's all about South Africans become expatriates for many sound reasons. The crime rate, the HIV/aids epidemic, the poverty - but not singer Ike Moriz. His reason for leaving our shores years ago was, in fact, because of the  sound. "Besides all the heavy metal, I was just sick of hearing good bands play cover songs. They were much better than that,"says the Capetonian who lived in London for five years but now calls Jozi home. The adult contemporary artist is back in  SA not only because he missed the nature: "I love the outdoors, that's one of the  reasons I came back," but also to settle down here. He released his album, Play Me this year to an audience that is slowly but surely catching on to the man's style. While overseas, Ike had roles in Britishsoapies and made a significant living from starring in musicals. His resumé even in...

Cape Argus, John Monsoon, Cape Town, SA, 4.10.2006: "TICK, TICK, … BOOM"

  Cape Argus, John Monsoon, Cape Town, SA, 4.10.2006:  " TICK, TICK, … BOOM " "There is a rumour in the air that Cape Town music is about to ignite a fuse that will send SA music into orbit. It's  a music explosion   not seen (or heard) for at least a decade . We gathered some of the Mother City's  finest minds in music to see who is holding the matches." ... ""only really in the last  four years that indie rock has started to make its big global come-back and even in  the late 90s modern music just never had the sorts of bands that it has now," so it's  not too unusual that Cape Town bands are pushing the envelope and being noticed. "Ironic," says Ike Moriz, the well-selling solo artist, "Cape Town used to be known for its cover bands!" ... "Moriz is passionate about his home town but also under no illusions that he sells more CDs in Gauteng, because "it's just the way it is". Cape Town bands are als...


  DSTV CHANNEL MK89 INTERVIEW  with Ike Moriz, 29. SEPTEMBER 2006 Read  Ike's latest   interview from Sept'06   on DSTV channel MK89 ( click here ) Jy kan niks minder van Ike verwag as uitstekende, unieke, splinternuwe trots Suid Afrikaanse musiek met 'n erg internasionale klank. Ike Moriz het reeds in 2002 internasionale erkenning gekry toe hy as solo kunstenaar saam met George Michael en Marc Almond se vervaardiger, S. Kent in London gewerk het. Hy het egter reeds in 1995 sy eie musiek begin skryf asook vervaardig en het kort voor lank in SA, Duitsland en Holland musiek begin studeer. Sy liedjies het al op 17 verskillende lande se radio en tv stasies se speellyste gefeature. Sy singles het al hoog op die UK, Holland en SA se radio charts beland. (English: You can expect nothing less from Ike than excellent, unique, brand new proud South African music with a very international sound. Ike Moriz already gained international recognition in 2002 when...

Tonight Music, Cape Argus, Cape Town, SA, 14.09.2006: "Ike Moriz launches the video for his latest single at Opium"

  Tonight Music, Cape Argus, Cape Town, SA, 14.09.2006 (caption: INDIE IDOL: Ike Moriz launches the video for his latest single at Opium on Friday.)  "Cape Town's CD launches continue   with Ike Moriz and Madame Afrique. Moriz has been dubbed "South Africa's indie idol", and rightly so. Moriz cut his teeth on local music and drama productions and then headed to London where he signed to Mosquito Records. He launches a Tarantinoesque video for his new   single, I Feel Real (Friday, Opium, 6 Dixon Street, De Waterkant,   Greenpoint, Cape Town, R50, 10pm)."

S.J., Represent, Johannesburg, SA, 04.09.2006, "SA rock artist Ike Moriz back in South Africa”

Sara Jane Boden , Represent, Johannesburg, SA, 04.09.2006 , "SA rock artist Ike Moriz back in South Africa ” WATCH THIS FACE – and it’s a gorgeous face at that – ladies you’ll love SA’s next big Rock boy, step aside Arno, IKE MORIZ is here. Welcome back to SA Ike, we’re glad you’re home, we wish you all the best in your musical dreams… COME ON FANS – give Ike lots of love. See IKE’s website  here . Capetonian Ike Moriz comes from a very artistic family of designer…s & musicians. He was exposed to theatre, literature, music and art from an early age. Already during his secondary school years, he showed a great talent for writing, acting (Sybil Sands agency, CT) & performing. After a short flirt with modelling (Elite Models), psychology & business studies, the young artist started his career by studying music (Jazz performers) at UCT. His fascination with International Pop/Rock & Jazz drew him overseas, where he absolved part of his course at two colleges of music (...

Cosmopolitan Magazine, South Africa, August 2006, page 32, Hot Talent: "Ike Moriz, 31, Singer and Songwriter”

Cosmopolitan Magazine, South Africa, August 2006, page 32, Hot Talent: "Ike Moriz, 31, Singer and Songwriter” Multitalented Moriz is an international recording artist who has been performing in England for the past five years. His single ‘You Could’ was voted ‘Song of the week’ on David Bowie’s official website in 2004. Now back in South Africa, he’s released his second album, called 'Play Me’. His rock/indie sound is acoustic and edgy but still made for easy listening. Moriz studied in SA, Germany and Holland and, after spending time on the SA rock scene, decided to seek his fortune in the UK. Now he’s back in Cape Town and eager to connect with local fans, saying, ‘Countries, borders and flags build walls between all of us. Music can break them down and unite us.’ When he’s not playing music, Moriz does a little acting and has made appearances in hit movies such as Alfie, Love Actually and Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason. Ike Moriz,    “ His rock/indie sound...

GQ Magazine, South Africa, July 2006

GQ Magazine, South Africa, July 2006 ‘Doing jobs we don’t like to buy shit we don’t need…’ (Branded, The Tears - Album: Refugees) "I was struggling to decide wether to stay in London or move back to South Africa. This song triggered the final decision to get on the plane." - Ike Moriz

CD Wherehouse, SA, 01.05.2006: "Underneath the radar" (Ike Moriz - Play Me, review)

  CD Wherehouse, SA, 01.05.2006 Underneath the radar "...South African rocker Ike Moriz actually has the musical muscle to back up his own hype.And his uncanny Bowie croon isn't the only thing that makes Play Me worth tuning into either: Moriz runs the retro rock gamut from hook-heavy 70s glam rock swaggers ("Hey, Hey-hey, Hey") to Britpop breezes reminiscent of Suede's shoegazing ("Play Me") or Blur's anthems ("Every Time The Sun"), and edgier Brel-meets-Bowie piano ballad implosions  ("The Sad Songs")."

Clarissa Grobler, "Volksblad / Jip", Bloemfontein, South Africa, 03.04.2006: “Ike Moriz - Musiek vir die ore" (in Afrikaans language)

Clarissa Grobler, "Volksblad / Jip", Bloemfontein, South Africa, 03.04.2006: “Ike Moriz - Musiek vir die ore" WANNEER ’n musiekmaker al met die legendariese David Bowie vergelyk is, weet jy dié man is nie sommer ’n hierjy in die bedryf nie. Veral as jy, nadat jy sy CD ’n ronde deur jou CD-speler laat gly het, kop knik en sê: “Is ja.” Ike Moriz is akteur, musiekmaker en het ’n nuwe CD, Play Me, waarvan die musiek ’n edge het wat jou hoendervel gee. Genuine. En as jy my vra, sommige musiekmakers groen van jaloesie kan maak. CLARISSA GROBLER het meer uitgevind oor Ike se loopbaan, passies en toekomsplanne. Jou musiek is al vergelyk met dié van kunstenaars soos Pulp, Suede en David Bowie. Hoe sou jy jou musiek beskryf? My liedjies is uniek, nogal dramaties en teatraal. Hulle het baie ritme en sterk melodieë, hoewel die musiek ’n slight edge het, en allerhande gevoelens na vore bring. Jy het onlangs jou tweede ateljee-album, Play Me, uitgereik. Hoe verskil dit van Mirrors...

ZA Zone, 2005 Music Awards, 29.3.2006

  ZA Zone, 2005 Music Awards, 29.3.2006 At the end of 2004 posted a questionnaire which would allow the general public to vote for their favourite artists, bands and venues. 2005 saw quite a substantial shift in SA music - bands that were fairly big in 2004 got bigger, unknown bands started getting more exposure and, sadly, some big bands, such as Kelvin Declined and Soulja just seemed to disappear, as if making way for the new talent. Speaking of which, many bands released their debut albums - Scarlet Box, Undersound, Chris Chameleon in his solo career, The SlashDogs, The Doppler Effect, f...Etc and Soul Riot, to name but a few. also received hordes of EPs, including those of Aces High, Sub Rosa and Autopilot. You know what that means, don`t you? It means that those bands are likely to release full-length albums soon, which is always good news!  We also saw the loss of several artists, including Chas Smit (who was with Plush) who was voted as the best gu...

Christina Kennedy, “The Citizen", Johannesburg, SA, 09.03.2006: "South Africa's own indie-pop idol" (interview with Ike Moriz)

  Christina Kennedy, “The Citizen", Johannesburg, SA, 09.03.2006   SA'S OWN INDIE-POP IDOL He’s one of the few South African musicians to have met with success in the UK lately, yet Ike Moriz has decided to return here to settle. Christina Kennedy spoke to him. Many South African pop-rock outfits look to America for their inspiration. Not so Ike Moriz. This Capetonian’s style pays fond tribute to  Britpop and Seventies glam rock . Moriz has returned to settle in South Africa after pursuing a relatively successful music career in London for the past five years. This week has seen him launching his album Play Me in Joburg, with another gig scheduled for tonight at the Blues Room in Sandton.Moriz has lately been enjoying airplay on 5FM, OFM and campus radio stations with the title track from his second album, which he wrote and produced himself. It seems his  infectious, melodic, dramatic indie-pop is finding favour with an i...

FHM Magazine, Hagen Engler, South Africa, March 2006 issue, CD review of “Ike Moriz - Play Me"

  FHM Magazine, Hagen Engler, South Africa, March 2006 issue, CD review of “Ike Moriz - Play Me" “This dude wears his influences with about as much subtlety as a man wearing one of those hats you can drink beer from. which is not a bad thing if you like beer. Or rather, if you like your indie pop with large doses of seventies Bowie via nineties Suede you'll dig this. Ike hails from the Cape but has spent time in the UK perfecting his British accent and pop sensibilities. He also acquired a taste for eye-liner, but don't let that put you off, this cat writes a fine tune. Listen to it when wearing velvet and drinking martinis! Tracks to download – Play me, Light is dark and The sad songs. "

Cornelia Le Roux, Die Burger, Cape Town, South Africa, 27.02.2006: “Ike verras aspirant-joernaliste by koerant-kursus" (in Afrikaans language)

Cornelia Le Roux, Die Burger, Cape Town, South Africa, 27.02.2006: “Ike verras aspirant-joernaliste by koerantkursus" (DIE BURGER, bl. 4 AKTUEEL, Maandag 27 Februarie 2006, KAAPSTAD). Die Burger en Media24 het Saterdag hul eerste skoolkoerantkursus van die jaar in die Wes-Kaap aangebied. Altesame 40 leerders van derskeie laerskole in die Noor delike voorstede is by  die  Laerskool Parow-Noord tou wys gemaak in die skryf van berigte, fotografie, bladuitleg en ander koerantkunsies. Hulle het ook hy eie nuus- konferensie gehou met die op komende sanger Ike Moriz, wie se liedjie "Play Me" dees dae op die radio boer , as ge heime gas. Soos wafferse nuushonde het die jong klomp hom gepols oor sy loopbaan en sy liefdeslewe. Skole wat belang stel in die NSP, kan in verbinding tree met die Wes-Kaapse koördineerder, Cornelia le Roux, by 021-4063135 of e-pos . Ike Moriz vermaak leerders Saterdag by Die Burger en Media24 se skoolkoerantkursus in Parow-Noord. (Foto:...

Jane Mayne, Cape Times, Cape Town, SA, 06.01.2006

  Jane Mayne, Cape Times, Cape Town, SA, 06.01.2006 "... Most of the songs are put together with a bare-bones backing which provides a somewhat jerky backdrop that echoes early 1970s Brit bands - This is Moriz's second studio album with Mosquito Records London, recorded after his Mirrors and Shade tour last April (2005), and it perfectly captures his Bowie-esque leanings."